Released on the Commodore Pet in 1980.
Not a commercial release, it was one of Jeff Minter’s first ever computer programs. }:-)
See this thread on for more details.
Commodore Pet Download
(WinVICE emulator snapshot file, courtesy of venusian and istar in this thread on
To run: 1) Start xpet from WinVICE. 2) From menus: Settings->PET model settings choose PET 2001-8N. *Do not change the memory size.* 3) From menus: Settings->Save current settings. 4) To be sure, quit and restart xpet, check that it’s retained 2001-8N. 5) From menus: Snapshot->Load snapshot image choose as linked above. Screen changes to say “ENTER LENGTH (1,2,3)”. 6) From menus: Settings->Load saved settings. Nothing appears to happen. This is okay but it undoes the keyboard futzing that happens on snapshot load. 7) Press 1, 2 or 3 *on the numeric keypad* to start the chaos, or it you’re on a lappy or compact keyboard like me, put numlock on and use the pseudo numeric keypad. When you get back to the restart screen and it wants you to press run/stop, the Esc key works for me.
Numeric pad to move, with 5 to fire.